Varicose Veins

Written by Washington Vascular Specialists

Established in 2005, Washington Vascular Specialists is the first outpatient vascular treatment center in the mid-Atlantic region and has locations in Takoma Park, Largo, and Frederick, Maryland.

January 7, 2022

Varicose veins are bulging, large veins that most commonly develop in the legs or feet. They occur when vein valves fail to function correctly, causing blood to flow inefficiently.

Treatment for varicose veins is seldom necessary for health purposes. However, if swelling, aching, and aching legs occur, as well as significant discomfort, treatment is accessible.


Varicose veins may or may not be painful. The following symptoms can identify varicose veins:

  • Veins with a dark purple to a blue hue.
  • Tangled and bulging veins, which sometimes resemble cables on your legs

The following are examples of painful symptoms and signs:

  • Legs that are achy or heavy to the touch
  • Lower leg pain, aching, muscular tightness, and swelling
  • Pain that gets worse after a lengthy period of standing or sitting
  • Discoloration of skin around varicose veins


Faulty or damaged valves cause varicose veins. Arteries transport blood from the heart to the tissues, whereas veins carry blood back to the heart, allowing blood circulation. Your legs’ veins
must struggle to return blood to the heart.

Muscle contractions in the lower legs operate like pumps, while elastin in veins aid blood flows back to the heart. As blood rushes to the heart, veins have tiny valves that open and seal to prevent blood from going backward.

Risk Factors

Varicose veins are more likely to form if you have the following factors:

Age – Varicose veins become more common as people age

Sexuality – Women are more prone than males to get the disease. Female hormones relax vein walls.
Therefore, fluctuations in hormones before menstruation, during pregnancy, or throughout menopause may influence.

Pregnancy – Your body’s blood volume grows throughout pregnancy. This shift benefits the developing fetus,
but it also has the unintended consequence of causing more prominent veins in your legs. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can also have an effect.

Family history – If other members of your family have varicose veins, you’re more likely to have them as well.

Obesity – Obesity puts additional strain on your veins


Although uncommon, varicose vein complications might include:

  • Ulcers
  • Blood clots
  • Bleeding


Treatment may not be essential for patients who have no symptoms or are unconcerned about the appearance of varicose veins. However, if symptoms exist, therapy may be necessary to relieve distress, in addition to treating problems like leg ulcers, skin discolorations, and swelling.
Many patients seek treatment for aesthetic reasons, such as removing varicose veins.

Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy

A special light called an endoscopic transilluminator is put via an incision beneath the skin to allow the physician to decide which veins should be removed. A suction instrument is used to cut
and extract the targeted vessels through the incision.

Endovenous Laser Treatment

A catheter is placed into the vein of the patient. A tiny laser is inserted into the catheter and placed on top of the target vein; It sends out small bursts of heat to warm up the vein and seal it shut.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Specialists perform this on top of or below the knee. They make a small incision and thread a narrow tube (catheter) into the vein with the help of an ultrasound.
The doctor inserts a probe containing radiofrequency energy into the catheter. The radiofrequency radiation warms the vein, forcing its walls to crumble and effectively close and sealing it shut. In cases of more prominent varicose veins, surgery may be ideal. Anesthesia is frequently used for radiofrequency ablation.


Varicose veins that are small to medium-sized are injected with a substance that scars and shuts them. They should diminish within a few weeks. Patients may need several of these injections for relief.

Varicose Specialists

At Washington Vascular Specialists, we have sites in Largo, Takoma Park, and Frederick, Maryland, with an outpatient varicose vein treatment clinic serving the mid-Atlantic area. Dr. Choudry is a pioneer in his industry and collaborates with a group of specialists to deliver the finest care possible. He is committed to providing pleasant, economical, and quality care to bring relief from a range of varicose vein disorders. We are here to help if you need empathetic, attentive care for varicose-related health issues.

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