How to Help Prevent Heart Disease

Written by Washington Vascular Specialists

Established in 2005, Washington Vascular Specialists is the first outpatient vascular treatment center in the mid-Atlantic region and has locations in Takoma Park, Largo, and Frederick, Maryland.

April 17, 2021

How to Help Prevent Heart Disease

The American Heart Association outlined tips on “How to Help Prevent Heart Disease at Every Age.” The article reports, “Lack of exercise, a poor diet and other unhealthy habits can take their toll over the years. Anyone at any age can benefit from simple steps to keep their heart healthy during each decade of life.”

Valuable considerations for diet, exercise, weight, stress, and more, are outlined decade by decade.

“Health and lifestyle education is valuable, and we highly recommend preventive measures to achieve long-term health,” said Mubashar A. Choudry M.D., F.A.C.C., Chief Medical Officer of Washington Vascular Specialists. Dr. Choudry also reinforced the importance of consulting your doctor for any specific questions or concerns and to develop a health plan that meets your individual needs.

For the full article, Click here to see the American Heart Association’s tips.

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